Donate Now
Goal: $76,000 $86,000
$81,769.40 Total Raised
107% Complete

THANK YOU! WE DID IT! We raised $81,769 for Chabad at the University of Alabama!

This campaign is over.
You can still contribute to this campaign.

Add Your Name to the Caring Wall

We had created a display for the High Holidays called the Caring Wall, where every person who gives will be listed (anonymous ok). Students will see how many wonderful people care about them and their Jewish Life & Experience at the University of Alabama


Please consider sponsoring:


$18,000 - dedicating High Holidays & Sukkot 2022


$10,000 - dedicating High Holidays 


$5,000 - Sponsorship of one Rosh Hashanah Dinner

$5,000 - Yom Kippur Sponsor  


$2,500 - Co-sponsorship of one Rosh Hashanah Dinner

$1,800 - Sponsor 50 Students for Rosh Hashanah Dinner

$1,080 - Sponsor 30 students at both Dinners

$540 - Sponsor 15 of students

$360 - Sponsor two students for the entire High Holiday Season

$180 - Sponsor one student for the entire High Holiday Season


Wishing you a Happy and Sweet New Year!


Rabbi Kussi & Rosie Lipskier


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